How to Build an Online Learning Management System

29 Apr 2020

The traditional ways of teaching and learning in this digital era is too in the present times. With time we are adopting new technology for crafting advanced methods of training and education. This can be used for educational institutions, government or private organizations, training centers, etc. Today, almost everything has become specific to the industry and is leveraging the latest technology capabilities, and education isn’t aloof of the idea.

So are you planning to create the latest Learning Management System?

Well, we are here for you!

Here is the complete guide on the development of an efficient LMS System and how this is the best solution for your education portal.

What are the primary functions of an LMS?

The main aim of LMS is to provide an effective eLearning platform that enhances the process of education. The system not only just delivers the content, but it also handles the registrations, analysis of skill gap, administration of courses, and also reporting and tracking.

There are several primary functions of the Learning Management System. This includes training of employees, knowledge capturing, and compliance assurance. The primary role in making sure that your team must have skill and expertise for performing the specific tasks. Along with establishing the document and having a standard performance.

Here are the top 4 functions of LMS:

  • Managing learners.
  • Delivering and organizing the curriculum.
  • Assessing learners
  • Tracking and reporting.

Benefits of using Learning Management System:

Let’s have a look at some of the major benefits of learning management software:

1. It makes the raining procedure streamlined:

With the use of such a system, everything becomes more manageable. This software can help with planning the training activity calendar. This can be shared with trainers, learners, and other administrators. You will be able to improve the training process and its maintenance. You will also be able to get trainer reports that saves you time as its otherwise time-consuming.

2. Delivering motivating & engaging training gets enhanced:

Every individual indeed has a unique style of learning. So if you are applying different approaches, there is an improved probability of success. LMS will help with communication and balancing the entire system.

3. Technology Leverage:

In the present digital system, the mobile app development industry has brought about a considerable change. The employees today are on their desktop or mobile phones all the time. And the Learning Management System systems can help in making training future-ready. Also, it makes everything a lot more exciting and interesting for the target audience.

4. Learning is centralized:

Offering a centralized learning source gets so comfortable with LMS. The performance, teaching, and content can be accessed from one source.

5. Easy Tracking and report availability:

This is another major benefit of LMS. You will be able to improve your performance with the tracking and reporting tools available. The new user progress is also tracked, recorded, and can be easily reviewed. The users can register for a course that is more than just one. Learning is easily done through the web. Your management team will be able to have access to the records. This allows for easy analysis of areas that require improvements.

Things to take care while developing an online Learning Management System

Here is a simple step by step guide for implementing how LMS can be installed for the new organization. These steps are some common practices that are used by project managers and learning professionals alike.

Step 1: Create an LMS Implementation Project Plan:

Just like any other task, the very first step for implementing a Learning Management System is making a project plan. You need to choose a specific category for the system. This can be, for instance, a government or medical fields like Dental, MBBS. Then you also have the option for making a platform with multiple categories like Udemy or you can build a platform like Online MDS  Academy.

This is also time for getting a clear understanding of the goals that the company has and the result you are expecting. Also, keep a final deadline for the implementation plan so that you can define milestones. The proper action plan makes half of the work complete.

Step 2: Choose your Technology Provider 

This is a fact that vendors require to go through a strict selection procedure for ensuring the solution fits perfectly with organization requirements. So for Web App Development, you need to understand that there is a need for involvement with the collaboration of a provider. You can do our research and find other discussion boards that have been using a specific provider.

This is a vital step as you are searching for a long time collaboration. This small effort will save your money, time, and effort in the long run. Also, choosing a good Web and mobile app development company will make sure that you are saving yourself from frustrations and disappointments in the future. To get more idea on how Online Learning management system work, Visit online dental school system developed by Quest Infosene.

MDS Online LMS Image

Step 3: Build Your backend Team:

There is a need for experts and skilled people that can assist you in executing your LMS project plan. This team will include people with backgrounds and excellence from different areas. There will be a team lead, project manager, IT administrator, HR personnel, and eLearning specialist. The success of your project will depend on this team, so choose wisely.

Step 4: Train your Administrators:

Learning Management Systems administrator has to be trained well to make sure that the system runs smoothly at all times. They have to be trained for all aspects like testing, uploading of the new course, payment methods, student certifications, and managing signups. They are the ones that must have complete knowledge of LMS and have keen observation so that any errors can be corrected.

Project Development Structure for learning management software

1: Analyze your eLearning market:

You need to analyze the eLearning market very well. This is because you will have to choose a specific niche. The digital education industry is huge, and competition is high. You must have a unique value proposition along with the cost of eLearning app development that must affordable. The field should make you stand out from the crowd. It will require some research but will be worth it if you can narrow down to the best niche and will be highly profitable in the future.

2: Gather requirements which you looking for or by seeing another online platform:

The main use of LMS is that it must make learning easy. Therefore you have to offer the user an experience that’s logical and smooth. The requirements include course creation and assignment handling. The process has to be simple and not cluttered. Also features like a library, group creations, and teacher collaborations are some of the key features that need to be included.

3: Divide course into categories & subcategories:

The course management system is the heart of LMS. This includes uploading of learning material but also making sure that it’s arranged comprehensively. You need to make broader categories and then subcategories for making the process user friendly. Some third-party tools can also be integrated.

4: Decide the structure of the course:

For this, you have to keep in mind your main goal and about the structure of your platform like want to build multiple module courses, chapters & subjects. This is to offer students proper training, and important modules need to be structured for it. This can be course structuring through a specific topic. It is advised that specific subject experts are given the task that has deep knowledge regarding how the entire course should be divided.

5: Choose the platform you want to develop a mobile app and website:

If you are making a multi-course platform, the general approach is initiating a website for learning and then you can add mobile applications later on. Most people like learning while at home on their laptops. However, the website also needs to be mobile friendly and should easily adapt to varied screens.

6: Decide hosting platforms such as Google Cloud Or Amazon AWS S3 Cloud

You need to choose hosting platforms like AWS s3 or google cloud for managing the entire website as well as the backend of your mobile application. This will also make sure that video streaming and the app is running smoothly without any issues. The file transmission will be encrypted and secure in this manner and will deter piracy.

7: Best security option for project access + Video monitoring:

Undoubtedly live video streaming is one of the major features of any online course. But there are risks involved, and constant monitoring is required so that illegal sharing or unethical activity can be stopped. Therefore its recommended that you invest in a security system well. This is certainly critical for ensuring that you can monetize your content, and all transactions remain secure.


Do keep in mind that the Online Learning Management System implementation process is not going to end with the launch. You need to keep looking for ways that improve the system, optimize content, and more courses need to be added for bringing perfection in the user experience. If you have been searching for the best LMS solutions, look no further as Quest Infosense can help you!

Pratik Gothaliya

Pratik Gothaliya is the Founder and CTO of Quest Infosense, A web & Mobile app development company. Pratik has accomplished over 9 years of experience in the software industry. Being an integral part of the company he assures uncluttered functionality for service or products development to clients. he promptly stands with unparalleled accomplishment for his clients and people.


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